Switch off the lights to revitalize the planet!


Help us grow! Turn off the lights and join in Earth Hour to create awareness on the importance of looking after the Earth, our planet, and our home. Today, Saturday 27th March, we will be switching off the show window lights of our shops.

Climate change is one of the biggest problems facing humanity today and going towards the future. “Connect 2 Earth” is the theme for this year. The main reason is that we must reflect on the relevance of nature and how it sustains and affects us. Besides, it is indispensable for our existence and that of all the living beings around us.

Earth Hour began in Sydney (Australia) in 2007 as a symbolic gesture to draw attention to the problem of climate change by switching off the lights of buildings and monuments for an hour, from 8:30 to 9:30 pm. This year is crucial because of the Covid-19 pandemic as well as the need to look after the planet and biodiversity to safeguard our society.

This day brings citizens, businesses, city councils and institutions together to fight against climate change and the loss of biodiversity. Over the years it has become a world movement in which thousands of cities in almost 200 countries have turned off the lights of more than 17,000 highly emblematic monuments and buildings such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Colosseum in Rome.  

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Discovery magazine

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