Do you know who Alfred Eisenstaedt was? Let’s find out!


Alfred Eisenstaedt (1898-1995) was an American graphical photographer and reporter of German origin. His objective was to focus on the natural expressions of people, on whatever was happening unannounced. He was a photographer for Life magazine and is considered the father of modern photojournalism.

Do you know what he was gifted on his 14th birthday? A Kodak Eastman nº3. From that moment onwards photography became his passion and he went on to become a photographer of great renown, covering themes related to politics, famous artists and social events.

In fact, Life magazine published more than eighty of his photographs on its cover page. This is why the city of New York dedicated a day in his honour, ‘Alfred Eisenstaedt Day’, and he received the Presidential National Medal of Arts and the Master of Photography Award in 1988.

In fact, he captured one of the most famous photographs in the history of photojournalism: The kiss in Times Square on Victory over Japan Day.


Discovery magazine

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